Basics for your own bible study

Bible reading with profit

Reading the Bible with profit is possible for everyone.

We read in the Bible of people with challenges similar to those we know today. Also move them very similar questions as we have them ourselves. It is very likely that we recognize ourselves in the stories.

The Bible speaks bluntly about God and the world. The Bible also speaks of how this world and all that has to do with it is “of Him, through Him, and to Him”(Rom 11:36). This makes the Bible more than just a book about people. It is first of all a book about God – and more specifically about the relationship between God and people, between God and us, between God and me.

Bible study opens the door to a better and deeper understanding of what the Bible says. If we want to know God, there is no way around the Bible. Reading the Bible with profit is only possible in the long run if we get involved with the book, if we deal with the Bible personally.

The Bible is versatile. If you don’t read the Bible yet, just start. And then you read on, so that stories and statements get color over time, so that connections become visible, and God himself can show himself close to you. Let yourself be gifted. Pray that you may understand.

Help for your own Bible study is available in this series of articles. For example, start with this article:

  • 6 Tips for healthy Bible contemplation