Life, death and resurrection

Our lives are short and often full of challenges. For each person the challenges are different, but in the end we all die. Death concerns us all. Even though death is largely kept out of everyday life in our culture, questions about last things are relevant to everyone. So what does the Bible say about life, death and resurrection?

Is dying an illusion and do we just go on living, perhaps in heaven? Or is there a judgment immediately after dying, and whoever is found too light ends up in hell? Or is everything over when you die? Is there a hope or expectation that extends beyond death?

Those who set out to trace the subject in the Bible often have to find their way through a thicket of opinions and theologies. This page summarizes contributions that are dedicated to this topic – as an introduction or as a deepening and with suggestions for many a tricky Bible passage.

Those who read the Bible carefully quickly realize that death is one of the main problems of mankind, to which the Bible formulates an answer. The resurrection is central in the Bible. It is God’s response to death.

For me personally, this is one of the central biblical themes. I have now been dealing with it repeatedly and very intensively for decades and have been richly endowed in reading and by the outlook offered. Whoever reads the biblical accounts, and recognizes in them the progressive development of the statements, will be rewarded with a differentiated outlook and with great confidence.

I wish the same for you, dear reader.