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Thought-provoking: This website is an engagement with the Bible. There are no taboo topics. There is, however, a lot of food for thought. Neither explosive theological topics, nor a critical look at Christian ideologies and subcultures, are missing here. The texts want to inspire you to deal with your personal questions of faith. The Bible has a liberating message that may be heard. That’s what this website is about.

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The last posts

Greetings to the community in Rome

Rom 16:1-16
Paul gets personal.

The hostel in Bethlehem

The inconspicuous village on an old caravan route

Paul’s travel plans

Rom 15:22-33
A turning point in the apostle's ministry

The Bible tells stories

All stories are true, even if they didn't happen

The former ministry of the Apostle Paul

Rom 15:8-21
Confidence and task of the apostle

The battle for truth

Why differentiate in the concept of truth?

Religious abuse is traumatizing

When supposed orthodoxy weighs down life

Is the second death the end?

The outlook of the Bible is not so gloomy

Accepting the weak in faith

Rom 15:1-7
Commitment in the community

Who can forgive sins except God?

Mk 2,7
Proof of the Trinity?