Questions about last things move many people. Whoever finds personal answers to these questions, whoever specifically asks the Bible about them, will discover that God is a Savior of all people, especially of believers. No exclusivity for the believer, but many privileges.

God saves not only a few pious people

God does not save only a few, but all people. This should be taught, the apostle wrote in all clarity (1Tim 4,9-11). There is no contradiction with the judgments and justice of God. This realization gives a vision for God’s action in this world. This allows us to look ahead. His ultimate goal in and through Jesus Christ can serve as an anchor for the soul. This gives direction to our lives and meaning to the world.

Where does the path go now? No sideshows have been mentioned in this series on the subject of all-auspices. It is about core statements of the Bible about what God is doing in and through Christ. It is about His purpose, not only with us, but with the whole world. In this we are included. The church is moving toward this goal that God will be all in all-not just a few (1 Cor. 15:28). We are going for it. Do we live by it? This is always the most important question – what does the Good News of God’s grace do in and through us?

We gain perspective by focusing on God’s ability and God’s activity. This is the good news that God in Christ is for us (Rom 8:31-32), and through Christ, as the Son of His love, by the blood of the cross, reconciles to Himself all things without exception (Col 1:15-20). It cannot be said more comprehensively.

The freedom of the glory of the children of God

Paul writes:

“For the foreshadowing of creation awaits the unveiling of the sons of God. For creation was subordinated to vanity (not voluntarily, but for the sake of the subordinate) in the expectation that creation itself will also be liberated from the slavery of corruption to the freedom of the glory of the children of God.”
Rom 8:19-21

The freedom of the glory of God’s children is what God has in mind for creation itself. This excludes nothing, but includes everything completely.

“But if the All is subordinate to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subordinate to Him who subordinated the All to Him, so that God may be all in all.”
1Cor 15:28 (cf. Eph 1:22-23)

This is the broadest view of the Bible. Here we arrive at the destination. This describes who God is, what He is after and what He is powerful to do. This is far beyond any description of judgment and beyond the second death. No passage looks further, no passage demonstrates more comprehensively the central importance of God’s Son in this act of salvation and that through Jesus alone this goal is achieved. It is that He, making peace through the blood of the cross, reconciles the universe to Himself (Col 1:20).

This is the broadest view of the Bible.

Understanding God’s purpose will shape our daily lives, strengthen our confidence, keep our testimony alive, always anticipate the fulfillment of our work and love, and trigger a constant thanksgiving in our hearts.

“Credible is the word and worthy of every welcome (for to this we labor and are reproached), that we rely on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. This instruct and teach.”
1Tim 4:9-11

Report on a transformation in thinking

The doctrine of hell and eternal damnation is not without danger. Not only does it distort the gospel and the biblical statements on judgment, but as a result it has time and again disastrous consequences for the lives of the people who hear this message. The video below is an example of this.

The video mentions the book “The Restitution of All Things” by Adrew Jukes. An online version is available here >.