
Living by faith is shaped by two things: What we are and what we become. What we are is God’s work, as it is called:

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus …”
Eph 2:10

This concerns our position before Him. It is the riches of grace in which we stand, because of the cross of Christ, His death and resurrection. This is the essence of the Good News. God has brought about – and we receive this for free. It doesn’t require performances, commitments, rituals, supplements. It is very clear: we are His deed work. But then it is also called further:

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we might walk in them.”
Eph 2:10

Seamlessly it passes from God’s deed work to our doing. But this is stress-free, because He has already prepared all the good works beforehand. Here we learn that our creation in Christ Jesus was not an end in itself. Rather, this was done with a purpose and for a good cause.


We were “created in Him” with a view to good works, which God has prepared for us to walk in. So no stress. Likewise, this is not a religious duty; it is not a matter of repairing our position before God with good works. Rather, it is the task for which we were created (spiritually). It is the logical consequence of our calling (Rom 12:1-2) that we now look for the good works that God has already prepared for us. If we recognize these, then we may walk in them. We then live out our vocation.

While Paul clarifies the basis of the gospel in the first three chapters of Ephesians, the last three chapters are about the way of life that may only arise from it. This is about the good works that God prepares beforehand so that we may walk in them. They are rich chapters with a lot of practical advice. For the church, Paul does not see rigid requirements, but development. It is a matter of “becoming,” of growing toward the goal to which we have been called.

“Let all bitterness, wrath and anger, all clamor and blasphemy be put away from you, and every evil thing in general. But be kind to one another and inwardly benevolent, showing mercy to one another, as God also shows mercy to you in Christ! Now, as beloved children, become imitators of God and walk in love, just as Christ also loves you and gave Himself for us as an offering and sacrifice to God, a fragrant aroma.”
Eph 4:31 – 5:2

Let us grant ourselves and others this “becoming”. If we do this, we live and witness God’s grace. Space for development is always also living space. Such a space is given to us here. Paul sees this in togetherness. But be kind to one another, he says, and inwardly benevolent. Show mercy to one another! When we set out on this path, we are imitators of God.

My faith is a career – Become!
That affects the decisions I make today.