Bible and faith, how does that work? That is the topic of this website. There are no taboo subjects. Be surprised and encouraged.

Latest posts are found here. Search for topics in the navigation or use the search function.

Latest posts

Relief from the stress of faith

1Cor 1,30 But from Him you are in Christ Jesus

The wide and the narrow path

Mt 7:13-14 - Do we have to choose where to spend eternity?

Certainty of salvation

The catastrophic impact of the doctrine of hell on believers and the way out

Biblicism as an aberration of faith

How to read and interpret the Bible

Introduction to the captivity letters

Paul writes his last letters in captivity

Why I am (not) a dispensationalist

Dispensationalism is not a conviction, but a tool

Development in the Bible

Understanding what it's all about

Task of the church 3

Eccl 3:11 He has also placed eternity in their hearts

Task of the church 2

Now and in the future

Task of the church 1

Is the church or community a final destination or an intermediate destination…

Is Jesus God?

Rom 9:5 Christ is above all, God

It’s nice that Jesus thinks just like me

About self-righteous representations and sectarian imprints

The stories we believe in

Which story is worth telling?

To do or not to do in faith?

That is the question here

10 years Kernbeisser

Three milestones in February 2024

The secret gospel

Rom 16:25-27 The Two Gospels in the Letter to the Romans

Greetings from Paul & Co.

Rom 16:21-23 (24) Last personal greetings to the community in Rome

Warning of discord

Rom 16:17-20 Peace in the community

Why does God allow this?

Experiencing grace in this time

Greetings to the community in Rome

Rom 16:1-16 Paul gets personal.

The hostel in Bethlehem

The inconspicuous village on an old caravan route

Paul’s travel plans

Rom 15:22-33 A turning point in the apostle's ministry

The Bible tells stories

All stories are true, even if they didn't happen

The former ministry of the Apostle Paul

Rom 15:8-21 Confidence and task of the apostle

The battle for truth

Why differentiate in the concept of truth?

Religious abuse is traumatizing

When supposed orthodoxy weighs down life

Is the second death the end?

The outlook of the Bible is not so gloomy

Accepting the weak in faith

Rom 15:1-7 Commitment in the community

Who can forgive sins except God?

Mk 2,7 Proof of the Trinity?

Theology and faith are different

The future church will redefine tasks

Mystery of faith

1Tim 3:9 Faith is real, but not explainable in every detail

Strong and weak in faith

Rom 14:1-23 Accepting each other in faith is the goal

Special features of this multilingual website

Attention: Not everything is perfect.

Hello, I have a question

Honest listeners can move worlds

What is faith?

Attempt of an introduction

Love is the only obligation

Rom 13:8-14 Owe no one anything except to love one another

Are all governments from God?

Rom 13:1-7 This Bible passage is a provocation

What is universal reconciliation NOT?

The most important errors and confusions on the topic

What is Universal Reconciliation?

Does God reach His goal?

Bless those who persecute you

Rom 12:14-21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good

Leaving old beliefs behind

Can we let go without grasping the future?

What is deconstruction?

When the previous understanding of faith falls apart

Everything the Bible says about hell

The ultimate overview.

In theology, eternity is a permanent subject

Time slips away. But what about eternity?

Unfeigned love

Rom 12:9-13 Do not hide from true encounter.

When religion is linked to artificial intelligence

The first sermon using ChatGPT took place in Germany

Acknowledge the difference

Rom 12:4-8 One body with many limbs

Show common sense

Rom 12:3 Common sense and the measure of faith

Your faith belongs only to you

Become free and grow up in faith

The Bible says that everything is permitted

Where does Paul see the responsibility of believers?

A renewed thinking

Rom 12:2 Faith is fragile. That's how we make something out of it.

Are Free Churches Cults?

When faith communities drift into bondage

Let’s talk about money (1)

Donations: Compulsory or free?

Dogmatics, dogmas, beliefs and “the truth

We interpret. There is no other way.

Logical! This is how you live as a Christian.

Romans 12:1 The way of life is a logical consequence of the grace experienced

After the apprenticeship comes the practice

Paul speaks in Romans 12 to 16 about the way of life based on doctrine

Between doctrine and way of life

Teaching without a way of life is emptiness - but there is a healthy tension in…

Everything is from, through and towards God

Rom 11:33-36 The gospel leads Paul to a comprehensive confidence and praise to…

Can ChatGPT handle theological issues?

Artificial intelligence writes sermons in minutes

The secret about Israel

Rom 11:25-32 The present time was a mystery

The olive branches

Rom 11:23-24 God decides freely

The heresy of others (2)

The need for a different culture of faith

The heresy of others (1)

Black and white thinking put to the test

The happy man

What a Psalm can teach us for today

Print posts

Tips on how to use the contributions offline for conversation, such as for home…

The pitfalls of social media

Why the comment functions are often switched off and Twitter is no longer an…

How does Paul speak of a rapture?

1Thess 4,13-18 Comfort because of the deceased

The relationship between Israel and the nations

Rom 11:16-22 The olive tree, the branches and grafted branches - a visual…

I hated Esau

Does God have a hate/love relationship with human beings?

Unbelief in God’s work

When people overestimate their faith

Is God offending Israel?

Rom 11:1-15 Don't!

Kernbeisser YouTube channel directly on

Easy access to all videos via this page

Why does Paul speak of Israel’s future?

Rom 11:1 A dispensationalist view

Unbelieving believers

Three types of unbelieving believers

Everyone who should call on the name of the Lord will be saved

Rom 10:14-21 We are talking about believers in the church

Rethinking the profession of pastor (2)

Ways to entrepreneurship

The word of faith

Rom 10:5-13 Include, don't exclude!

Rethinking the profession of pastor (1)

There is room for pioneering spirit again.

Is faith relative? (2)

Faith is interpretation

Is faith relative? (1)

Faith is sober

Alpha and Omega

Revelation 1:8 Who are we talking about here?

How the Doctrine of Hell Shakes People’s Lives

The doctrine of hell is also outlined as "the dark legacy of Christianity"

What does the church of the future look like?

Learning to think church anew

Life by faith speaks of God’s justice

Romans 10:1-4 Israel and the justice of God. It has always been about faith.

Adam, where are you?

God addresses man

Israel and the nations

Romans 9:22-33 This is about target groups, not always about individuals

Are women allowed to teach in the church?

A critical examination of the idea that women should not be allowed to fulfill…

6 Tips to Start a Bible Study Group

It's easier than you might think.

When does eternal life begin?

Beyond or this side - and when?

Does Paul teach double predestination?

Rom 9:19-21 The potter and the clay

God and Pharaoh

Rom 9:18 God hardens hearts

The Sovereignty of God

Rom 9:11-17 God has a purpose that He carries out through election

Resurrections in the New Testament

In the New Testament, the resurrection plays a decisive role

Resurrections in the Old Testament

Where is resurrection found in the Old Testament?

Jesus, God and Holy Spirit

2Cor 13,13 The greeting at the end of the second letter to the Corinthians

God and Savior

Titus 2:13 Is Jesus called God here?

God’s promises to Israel have not become invalid

Romans 9:6-10 Inclusion and exclusion

Paul’s consternation over Israel

Rom 9:1-5 We need a better understanding of Israel and the other nations

The resurrection of Jesus was on a Sabbath

Mt 28,1-2 When God rests from His works

Whataboutism in theological disputes.

The unwillingness to engage in constructive exchange

The 1000 year old empire

How long will the messianic kingdom last?

What about Israel now?

Introduction to Romans 9-11 Israel and the Nations in the Letter to the Romans

Richard Imberg Quotes (2)

Quotes from "Theology for Everyone

Outlook to God’s love

Rom 8:35-39 The viewing angle matters

The image of the invisible God

God makes himself known

Who can be against us?

Romans 8:33-34 Dealing with uncertainty - and the encouragement therein.

The Invisible God

The true living God is invisible but works in history.

God is for us

Rom 8:31-32 The core of the Pauline message

Just believe and everything will be fine?

Romans 8:28-30 Faith is not a ticket to a carefree life. We have better things…

He has redeemed my soul to peace

Psalm 55:19 David in a difficult situation

Support from God

Rom 8:26-27 Living in anticipation is no small feat. How God meets our…

Living with opposition

Of crusaders and comrades-in-arms - Dealing with other opinions.

Suffering and persecution as the ultimate thrill?

Rom 8:18-25 The addiction to suffer - and the better outlook

44 Questions for Critics of Universal Reconciliation

You think the Bible says nothing about a good outcome in world history?

The position of a son

Rom 8:15-16 Vocation with a view

God accomplished

Rom 8:2-17 Paul always places God's action centrally

Creation from “nothing”?

Did God create the world from "nothing"?

5 tips for new meeting and exchange

The expression of faith is not theology, but lived community in this world.

How do we see our world?

Conspiracy myths and end times fantasies: the need to explain the world

No condemnation in Christ

Romans 8:1 How God sees us

Every generation asks questions of faith anew

Church 1.0 and 2.0 - what changes are coming?

What is eternity?

Video introduction to the concept of "eternity

The smoke of their torment

Revelation 14:11 Is this about a picture of hell?

Despair of life

"With a sad face, the heart is in right condition."

Fuel for our lives

Rom 6:15-23 What does grace do in personal life?

Faith practice: Reckon with it

Rom 6:11 How is faith put into practice?

The radical message

Rom 6:1-14 The Gospel is radical. The message may also be radically different…

Learning together

There is a great promise for the community

The best news ever

God gets along with all people

Does the Bible have an answer for everything?

The answer is not "42" either

Grace can also be misunderstood

Rom 6:1-2 When grace is not understood

All people receive eternal life

Rom 5:20-21 Serious problems and the better solution

The rebirth as a messianic event

Rebirth or new creation?

Justification for all people

Rom 5:18-19 No conditions, no reservations. This applies to all people.

Unwrap gifts

Rom 5:15-17 God's grace is different from man's offense

The experience of evil

Ecclesiastes 1:13 Sobriety in the face of this world

Farewell to the doctrinal narrowness

The courage to make a new start

What is “eternal life”?

Eternal life" is not about endlessness.

Without law sin is not counted

Rom 5:13-14 The situation from Adam to Moses

Original sin is not a topic in the Bible

Rom 5:12 Where does the trouble in this world come from?

Is there life after death?

What did people think at the time of Jesus?

A new reality of faith

Rom 5:10-11 With the words "How much more!" Paul summarizes the changed reality…

God reconciles enemies

Rom 5:10 God justifies sinners and reconciles enemies

Christ did not die for the pious

Rom 5:6-9 How God Emphasizes His Love

Insight gives outlook

Rom 5:3-5 Justice draws ever wider circles

And God said

When God speaks, the Creator has the word

Help! My understanding of faith is changing! (2)

Tools for deconstruction and reconstruction

Help! My understanding of faith is changing! (1)

Deconstruction and reconstruction of the understanding of the Bible and faith

Satan was a man-killer from the beginning

Satan was not initially as great a guy as some assume

Quality or quantity in faith?

Is it about "doing things right" or about "doing the right things"?

Through our Lord Jesus Christ

Romans 5:1-5 Everything is "through" God's work

The Book of Eli and other stories

How can we tell good stories?

Dealing with change

Times of crisis: Life is demanding.

We may have peace

Romans 5:1 That's what matters.

Must a true Christian be “faithful to the Bible”?

What would be an alternative to this expression?

Bible, Zeitgeist and Development in the Understanding of the Bible

Why do we believe as we believe? - A historical excursion

Tips for reading the New Testament

Christians and non-Christians often wrestle with understanding the New…

Soul and spirit are not the same

What is spiritual? What is mental? What do I do with these terms?

From justification to reconciliation

Romans 5:1-21 The Two Gospels in the Letter to the Romans

Help! Christian secret language

The "Language of Canaan" or "How Not to Understand a Word"

Raised for the sake of our justification

Rom 4:23-25 Two things that belong together in proclamation

Learning to understand the Bible

It's not about the book, it's about an adventure trip.

The origin of evil

Isaiah 45:7 God creates evil.

The idea of God

How we shape our understanding of God

Therefore it is by faith

Rom 4:16 Understanding grace

How much doubt can faith take?

A slider for questioners.

Bible Course: How to read the Bible?

A course to better understand the Bible in 6 parts.

Abraham, Paul and James

Romans 4:11-12 The time of uncircumcision. The importance of the differences…

Faith beyond dogmas and doctrines

What faith has always been and is

Abraham, father of all believers

Romans 4 How Abraham manages to unite Jews and nations

Is the community the bride?

An amazing journey through the Bible

Heresy or “Other Doctrine”?

From dealing with other opinions about the Bible.

Can you be a solo Christian?

Can faith be lived without community?

Paul Tournier Quotes

The Adventure of Living

In the beginning God created

Genesis 1:1 The most important statement right at the beginning. #genesis

How much church does man need?

A post full of questions.

Does Paul abolish the law by faith?

Romans 3:31 Paul upholds Torah, but perhaps differently than you think.

The One God for Jews and Nations

Rom 3:29-30 Jews and Nations believers are given the same access.

Kernbeisser on LifeChannel

Words about the word: Interview on LifeChannel about

Is faith definable?

Plea for a learning culture

Is the king of Babel an image of Satan?

Isaiah 14 Is Isaiah speaking of a fall of Satan?

After dying into paradise?

Luke 23:43 What did Jesus tell the criminal next to Him on the cross?

Where is the boasting now?

Romans 3:27-28 God's righteousness is not my merit.

Does Jesus Teach Hell?

Jesus speaks of Gehenna, not hell

Rethinking is no walk in the park

When people of faith break out of old structures

Christ Jesus as the cover of atonement

Rom 3:25 The meaning of "atonement cover".

The fight against windmills

Don Quixote and fictitious enemy images

Do we have to fight against Satan?

Little Christian. Unhelpful. The armor of God misinterpreted.

Is the prince of Tyre an image of Satan?

Does Ezekiel 28 speak of the so-called "fall of Satan"?

Various Bible translations

These Bible translations are used on

Justified for free

Romans 3:24 God's grace does not require anything in return. It is a gift.

Receive encouragement

Come, get out of the noise and engage in a trusting dialogue.

Where two or three are gathered in my name

This is not about Christian fellowship

The Fall of Satan is a Hoax

The Bible nowhere speaks of a moral "fall of Satan".

Is God exclusively “good”?

On the Deity of God and Jurisdiction over this World

Out of reach

Rom 3:21-23 The differences between God and man are real. In this, it is the…

Worksheets Acts of the Apostles

Tracking development in the New Testament. Worksheets for small groups or…

Search and find posts

Tips for website use

The Apostle Paul in Lockdown

Dealing with limitations and crises

The faith of Jesus Christ

Romans 3:21-23 How God's justice comes about

Quotes from Cecil J. Blay

Quotes from "It is written

Martin Buber Quotes

Quotes from "Me and You

Quotes from Richard Imberg

Quotes from "In Christo

Everything is out of God

Starting point for a healthy trust in God

Is there only one gospel?

The Bible is multicolored and speaks of different gospels.

But you, who do you say I am?

How do I find a new approach to the Bible?

The Pauline Gospel and the Torah

Rom 3:21-23 Paul is not concerned with the law, but with God's righteousness

The righteousness of God as good news

Romans 3:21-23 Buckle up and get going! Now it is about God's confidence for…

No man is just

Romans 3:1-20 All people miss the target. Paul is a ruthless realist.

Evangelical, ex-evangelical, anti-evangelical, or post-evangelical?

Dropouts and weirdos, or visionary trailblazers? A podcast by Martin Benz on…

Circumcision of the heart

Romans 2:21-29 Circumcision in the Spirit and Praise from God

About the impossibility to believe

It takes a listening heart.

Behold, you call yourself a Jew

Romans 2:17-20 It is not enough to refer to the Bible.

Life as prayer

Our attitude of faith finds expression in prayer.

Common sense

2 Timothy 1:7 A sober faith expresses itself in power, love and sound reason.

Is there eternal damnation?

A critical look at the idea of eternal damnation

Life-affirming faith

Encourage your development in the understanding of faith

Obey the law by nature

Romans 2:14-16 On Conscience, Morality, Original Sin, and the Torah.

Faith community as a pioneering project

Rethinking Church and Faith Community.

With God there is no respect for the person

Romans 2:3-13 God does not have favorite Christians.

That is how much God loves the world

John 3:16 Good news or threatening news?

Is the Bible reliable? 2

Bible passages for the justification of a verbal inspiration considered more…

Is the Bible reliable? 1

Between verbal inspiration and modern biblical scholarship.

The desire for a “simple” message

Not thinking is not an alternative


Rom 2:1-2. He who received a new life in Christ no longer condemns others.

Jesus cult 2

How faith degenerates into religiosity

Jesus cult 1

Personal projections and wishful images alienate the biblical narrative.

Job’s suffering was “without cause

The question of justice in suffering

The Two Trials in the Book of Job

A comparison of Job chapters 1 and 2 and the two trials of Job.

Does God have a goal?

Ephesians 1:16-22 Paul prays for the church and reveals amazing things about…

Abraham’s Bible

What is your faith based on?

Not fitting into the scheme

Rom 1:24-32 Paul and homosexuality

Do not get stuck in the lack

God looks at us "in Christ" and does not judge us by how we feel.

Like a scarecrow in the cucumber field

Rom 1:19-23 That which is knowable about God is replaced by human religiosity.

Why Paul speaks of judgment

Rom 1:18-1:32 Paul's argument is not exhausted in judgment.

Does God have a plan for my life?

What is there to this claim?

The just court

Rom 1:18 Why is God's judgment righteous and what is the context?

The Wrath of God

Rom 1:18 What are we to think of when we think of the wrath of God?

Torah – a schematic overview

A schematic overview of the 5 books of Moses.

Injustice of the people

Romans 1:18 - 3:20 The background for the gospel of the grace of God in Christ…

Witnesses of his resurrection

What does Easter mean? What is witnessed?

Are you still struggling or already loving? (3)

How the Bible is interpreted in terms of the drama triangle and how to get out…

Are you still struggling or already loving? (2)

The drama triangle in communities. The personal exit. Promote growth.

Are you still struggling or already loving? (1)

Become free to love. The drama triangle in personal relationships.

Kernbeisser now on YouTube

Videos on topics of the Bible, on theological questions, on questions of life…

Paul as evangelist, but not as you think

Romans 1:14-17 Paul evangelizes the church, brings the gospel there.

How we read the Bible

There needs to be a conversation about how we read the Bible

The helpless church

Idling of the national churches and flow-through among the free churches

The community in Rome

Romans 1:8-13 Paul longs to be able to work in the church in Rome as well

Love yourself

It is quite healthy to love yourself.

My God are you

Rom 1:8 Paul speaks of "my God." What does that mean?

Recipients from the Letter to the Romans

Rom 1:5-7 Recipient of the letter and greeting

Reality check: 11 questions about hell

Consistent and uncomfortable questions for advocates of hell

The Son of God

Rom 1:3-4 The Son of God: descent according to the flesh and according to the…

Karl Barth on freedom

Of the freedom of God and the freedom of man

The prayer of surrender

The mystery of faith cannot be established by rituals

The Gospel of God about His Son

Rom 1:1-4 - Through the Son the Father builds the house.

Structure of the Letter to the Romans

Inner structure of the themes in the Letter to the Romans

Set apart for the gospel of God

Rom 1:1 The two gospels in the Epistle to the Romans.

Paul, a called apostle

Rom 1:1 - Mission and responsibility for ministry to the churches.

Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus

Romans 1:1 - On whose behalf does Paul write his letters?

Saul of Tarsus

Statements about Paul's origin and career in the New Testament.

Opinions differ on Paul

Understanding Paul is a key to understanding the New Testament.

Where does Christmas come from?

The Germanic people knew 12 consecrated nights in the winter time.

Rejoice! 2

Philippians 4:8-9

The perfect church

Calling all perfect people to come forward

Rejoice! 1

Philippians 4:4-7

Biblical Interpretation: Interpreting Text in Context

If you want to read the Bible with profit: read the text in context.

The purpose of election

Election is not the goal.


He who perseveres "remains under" the burden.

Breaking out of rigid belief structures

When Religious Views Constrain. Setting out for new shores.

Saul in Endor

Samuel 28 A spiritualistic séance does not explain the state of death

The souls under the altar

Rev 6:9-10 Does Revelation speak of the dead "living on"?

Gospel preached to the dead?

1Pet 4,6 Did Jesus preach gospel to the dead?

God’s power to save

100% mercy. Everything else is a rip-off of the Good News.

Topics at a glance

Topic Overview

Was Jesus in an otherworldly prison for spirits?

1Pet 3,19 Does Peter speak of preaching to the dead?

Did Paul have suicidal thoughts?

Philippians 1:23 Did Paul have a death wish?

Let love be unfeigned

Romans 12:9-13 Authentic faith

Prison was captured

Ephesians 4:8-10 This passage speaks of a "prison," which many interpret as…

A house in heaven

2 Corinthians 5:1 Is Paul talking about every Christian having a house in…

Do not die for eternity

John 11:25-26 He who believes does not die?

God is not a God of the dead but of the living

Matthew 22:32 / Mark 12:27 / Luke 20:38 Does Jesus deny death?

Does the book of Revelation have the last word?

All's well that ends well. If it's not good yet, it's not the end.

Farewell to ego-centeredness

An excursion into the world of non-stop pious self-affirmation.

God is not religious

Only people are religious.

Glorification on the mountain

Mt 17,9 The glorification on the mountain - vision or reality?

Baptisms for the dead?

Is there a "baptism for the dead" according to the Bible?

Making all people alive

To make alive refers to the preservation of indissoluble life, beyond the power…

The resurrection of Lazarus

A key passage for understanding death and resurrection

The last breath

With the breath life leaves us

The conversation about heaven and hell

The confrontation with representatives of a heaven and hell doctrine.

You have explored and known me

Psalm 139:1-3 You are familiar with all my ways

Intermediate state

Intermediate state or soul sleep? Death is the opposite of life, not any other…

Me and the Father – We are One

John 10:22-39 A rationale for Jesus' deity?

Learning culture

Learning culture instead of teaching culture

Original sin questioned

Romans 5:12 and the dogma of original sin

Overview New Testament 2

Recognize inner connections

The special message of the apostle Paul

Paul is the 13th apostle. Were the 12 apostles not enough? What happened here?

What are apostles?

What characterizes an apostle and are there still apostles today?

Salvation in the Letter to the Romans

The problem is not hell and the solution is not heaven.

The Spirit of Promise

Ephesians 1:13-14 and Romans 8:18ff Contrast with a mania for feasibility,…

The Kernbeisser website was renewed

Every website needs maintenance

The shortest bible verse

John 11:35 Jesus wept.

How we understand the world

Foresight is an achievement.

Lake of Fire in the Book of Revelation

Is the lake of fire in the book of Revelation hell?

Check what is essential

Philippians 1:9-11 Paul's prayer for the Philippians

Laws and legality

The limits of religiosity

Are there food regulations in the Bible?

Vegan, Kosher, All-Eaters? Are there rules for food that Christians should…

Is Gehenna Hell?

Gehenna is sometimes called the only real "hell." Is this view correct?

Expand your own horizons

How can a healthy and good worldview, image of God and image of man be worked…

When someone changes his image of God

Worldview, image of God and image of man are related.

Mission or evangelism? The “Great Commission” examined

Matthew 28:16-20 The so-called "Great Commission" will only come into effect in…

The firstling of the departed

Beyond Death: The Promise of Resurrection and Making Alive

God’s wisdom in a mystery

1Cor 2,1-8 Cross and resurrection in the light of God's wisdom

What is truth?

John 18:28-39 Pilate to Jesus: "What is truth?". Some thoughts on the concept…

In Christ

We may learn to see ourselves as God sees us, namely "in Christ".

Church service

Is the Church Service the place where we render service to God?

Worthaus presented

The search for the unobstructed view

In my father’s house are many apartments

John 14:2-4 Is the "Father's house" a picture of heaven?

An open conversation

What I often wish for among Christians, but have not always found, is an open…

Kernbeisser Newsletter

Simple and informative: monthly email with the titles of the latest posts.

The delusion of Free Will

Only God has a truly free will. At most, we have a will of our own. This has…

Is eternity endless because God is eternal?

1Tim 1,17 Is God limited to the eternities?

Is faith an effort that I have to make?

Threatening message or good news? Romans 3:22

The Aeons of the Bible

A short introduction

Word study: How to test biblical terms

Learning how to test the biblical statements

Do not worry about anything

Philippians 4:4-7 Assurance from the Letter to the Philippians

Eternal times

This strange formulation already seems to be a contradiction in itself

Time concepts in the Bible

There are different concepts of time in the Bible

The word “eternity” in the Old and New Testaments

What are the terms for "eternity" in the Bible?

Different interpretations of eternity

Does the Bible speak of an endless eternity?

Eternity lasts forever?

The pinnacle of all time-related terms. An introduction.

Faith and religiosity

God is not religious

About the core biter

What can you expect on this website?

Sin is missing the mark

The meaning of "sin" in the Bible

Thank God

Thanks to whom? That is the question here

Does God reach the goal with all people?

The outlook of the Bible gives foresight

How do I know God’s will?

How do I go about discerning God's will?

Become wide

Paul writes to the church in Corinth to become wide in heart.

Jesus and Paul – are they saying the same thing?

A Key to Understanding the New Testament.

God is faithful

From which real confidence grows.

Job, the book of dialogues

In no book of the Bible are so many questions asked as in the book of Job.

Job and God

Job arrives on the ground of divine and human reality

Job and Paul

The story of Paul can be read well as an extended example of the story of Job.

The turning point in the story of Job

With the entry of Elihu in the story begins the turning point

Job and his friends

Job's Lament and the Reflections of His Friends

Evil from God’s Hand

"We accept good from God, so shouldn't we also accept evil?"

The end counts

"Of Job's endurance ye have heard, and have seen the conclusion of the Lord,…

The prelude from the Book of Job

"There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; he was a blameless and…

Gospel briefly explained: You are loved

The Gospel for today briefly explained: God is for us

To be known by God

If someone loves God, he has been recognized by Him.

In the beginning was the word

John 1:1-2 Reference to a trinity?

Grace and peace

How do we speak to each other?

My people perish for lack of knowledge

A lack of cognition in faith communities is a problem with far-reaching…

Gain outlook

This is about God's foresight, which we can embrace

The reconciliation of the universe

Colossians 1:20 God is the great All-Asocialist

God is Savior of all mankind

1 Timothy 4:9-11. God is Savior of all people, especially believers, Paul…

Is there a hell?

Judgments exist according to the Bible, but there is no hell. Anyone can check…

Justice and judgment

God's justice has been achieved. God's judgments have a different purpose.

What do we know about “last things”?

The information about last things in the Bible is limited. But what is named,…

How can a particular doctrine be tested?

There are neutral and good criteria to test teachings for biblical relevance

Various teachings in conflict

So much different are the views on last events

The confrontation with the all reconciliation

Is it possible to talk openly in the congregation and community about topics…

Being human and being a Christian

Ideally, our humanity is carried by our Christianity, living faith is also an…

Sheep and goats

Matthew 25:31-33. The separation of sheep and goats in Jesus' end-time…

Is there a judgement after you die?

Hebrews 9:27 "It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the…

Why Jesus?

"I think God is OK, but why does it take Jesus?"

The source of life

Whoever finds his way back to the origin of his life sees the world with…

The sin that is not forgiven

Mark 3:29. Is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit never forgiven?

The true foundation for community

A return to the true foundation of fellowship based on Ephesians 4:4-6.

What is Dispensationalism?

Basic statements of dispensationalism

Equalization in the community

Dealing with different views of faith

Being and becoming

Between Being and Becoming.

What is written

Food for thought on modesty

Freedom obliges

100% freedom. We can not receive more.

Live relationships

Relationships are our life. Of freedom and liberated life.

Find words

Words. Words touch. Find words.

Death is a return

Death, according to the Bible, is not a progression but a return.

Immortality in the Bible

Is man immortal? What does the Bible say about immortality?

Boasting in the Lord

The end of sectarianism and know-it-allism.


Biblical teaching is only for orientation. And: The map is not the country. For…

A living soul

Genesis 2:7 Do we have or are we a soul?

The Kingdom of Heaven

A detailed study of the Kingdom of Heaven. A better understanding of the…

I trust God

A stormy story about the difference between "believing in God" and "believing…

The rich man and Lazarus

Luke 16:19-31 Description of hell or imagery?

Cultural references in the Bible

"As I went around visiting your shrines, I also found an altar on which was…

Where community comes from

Some thoughts on a text by Martin Buber about the characteristics of true…

6 Tips for healthy Bible contemplation

In a nutshell, important points for healthy Bible study.

Love is …

Different words for love in the Bible and their meaning.

The lostness of Christianity

What does "getting lost" actually mean?

Figurative language in the Bible

The Bible is rich in figurative language and figures of speech. When we…

Grace is like water

Grace, like water, always flows to the deepest places and fills them.

Inductive Bible Study

Inductive Bible study is a proven way to ferret out the Bible's meaning.

Travel fever – living in anticipation

Living in expectation is more than carrying an indefinite hope.

A brief history of the time

The shortest summary of the history of salvation we read in Paul. It is his…

Systematic Theology: Seeing the Bible as a Whole

A systematic theology is one of the many helps to trace the statements of the…

It is good for me to draw near to God

Confidence and courage in life have a lot to do with whether we recognize what…

Spiritual blessing

God blesses with spiritual blessings. There is more in it.

Gratitude first

Acknowledgement comes first. This readjusts our being.

Healthy words

If we are not able to express a biblical truth in clear biblical words, then we…

What constitutes sound biblical teaching?

Paul writes to Titus, "But you speak what befits sound doctrine!" (Titus 2:1).…

Religious pseudo-solutions

Not all that glitters is gold in the religious sphere. Churches, free churches,…

From hearsay I had heard about you

Just from hearsay, no one can be properly known. It takes direct contact to get…

Follow Jesus or imitate Christ?

Sketch of a development in the New Testament on the basis of various…

The soul he brings back to me

There are Bible passages that you read over and over again. You might even know…